Symbol of the Self Realization Sevalight Centre for Pure Meditation, Healing & Counselling, Bath MI USA

Self Realization Sevalight Centre
    for Pure Meditation, Healing & Counselling

Bath, Michigan, USA - One of the worldwide Centres
founded by Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharma

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Preventing Burnout with Energy Care & Wellbeing course at the moment we are only offering this online via video conference ♥
For all who care for others and themselves

This is a course for health care professionals, complementary practitioners, carers, teachers, voluntary workers and all people-workers who wish to deepen their understanding and care for their own energy, thus enhancing both their work with others and their own personal lives.

Many people-workers use inner resources that are often not part of their job description. Apart from the extra thinking time that can be an unspoken part of the carer's work, there is also the hidden essence of care. While the use of this essence, or energy, can lead to truly inspired work, its ungoverned use can also lead to burn out in the long run. We all know how common this is among doctors, nurses and other care workers, teachers, therapists and social workers.

Many professionals deal with stress or burn out by distancing themselves from their patients or work, or by relinquishing part of their personal lives. However, to be a true carer we need to be able to give 100%, while at the same time maintaining appropriate boundaries. This course in Energy Care & Wellbeing shows how to enhance the involvement, while keeping it progressive, so that all of our contact contributes to our own advancement and healing, as well as that of the people we work with. This leads to greatly improved levels of care, while also helping the carer to feel much more energetic and fulfilled within their work and home life.

It is all too easy to get caught up in the stresses, demands and concerns of life. We will be looking at how to work with our life-energy flow, finding the balance within ourselves, centering and grounding. For it is through this knowledge that we can enhance our creativity and keep our balance. The part that Pure Meditation, relaxation and visualization can play in finding and maintaining balance will also be explored.

This course draws on the experience of the healers, teachers and trainers at the Self Realization Sevalight Centre for Pure Meditation, Healing & Counselling. Over the years, in addition to the professional training of healers and counsellors, specialist work has been carried out with people-carers from all fields, who have sought help and guidance regarding their own energy levels, getting the most out of life, and giving fully to their colleagues, clients, friends and family.

Practical ways of being in charge of our own energy will be taught throughout the course, as well as explaining the scientific reasoning behind these methods. The exercises taught can all be used very effectively at work or at home.

Teaching is given in small groups to allow for the needs of each individual to be met. There will be time for questions and individual work or energy problems to be addressed both in the group and on a one-to-one basis. Continuing Support is always available following any course or workshop.

See  the Centre's pricing popup page for the cost of this Two Day Course.
Please contact the Centre for the dates of Preventing Burnout Courses. We are happy to add whenever possible.

This course can also be arranged at your location. Please contact the Centre for details.

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